How To Get A Beautiful Butt In 4 Weeks
Do you want to improve the size of your butt?
Do you want to get rid of all that dirty cellulite your partner has been complaining about?
Do you want to tone that butt so that you can wear all sorts of clothes that you want to?
Do you find it embarrassing when you wear evening gowns and you look drastically flat?
Get a Beautiful Butt in 4 weeks plan! with this program, You'll end up with a stronger, tighter, bigger butt.
The moves may look tame, but don't be fooled: You'll lose up to 2 inches from your butt in 4 weeks.
•Do 3 times a week for 4 weeks.
•20 minutes total.
•Do sequence 1 time.
1. Standing Glute Toner
A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and parallel, and hold the back of a chair. Move left toe back 12 inches and touch the floor with it. Soften both knees, tuck pelvis, then bend left knee to lift the foot off the floor. Keeping knee bent, press straight back (as if aiming for 6 on a clock) with the foot for 20 reps, then move foot diagonally to the left (as if aiming for 8 on a clock) and press it back for 20 reps.B. Straighten left leg. Lift leg, pressing straight back for 20 reps, then press diagonally back (aiming for 8 on a clock) for 20 reps. Return to starting position, and repeat the same series of moves on opposite side.
Tip: Be sure to lock your pelvis into a stable position before moving your leg.
2. Kneeling Glute Toner