Therefore, we have collected some evidence of recent studies, and in today's article we will talk about all the benefits chicken eggs can offer for the body. In fact, 2-3 eggs a day would be the perfect daily dose of eggs.
9 Things that Will Happen if You Eat 2 Eggs a Day
1. Slowing Down of the Aging Process
- One study which was conducted by Dutch scientists claimed that 87% of women from 35 to 40 years old consumed eggs and they managed to get rid of their age spots.
- What is more, their skin was lifted as well.
- Also, the wrinkles around the eyes that appeared in men smoothed as well.
2. Useful When Planning Children
- The B vitamins are a part of the formation of the sex hormones. for instance, B9 vitamin, or folic acid, can help the red blood cells and the neural tube of the fetus to for.
- Also, it will reduce the risk of mental retardation in children.
- Thus, vitamin B9 is clearly very necessary for women when pregnant. 1 chicken egg contains 7.0 mcg of this vitamin.
3. Decreases the Risk of Cancer
- Choline, which is needed for the brain, is also one of those ingredients that reduce the risk of cancer.
- One study, which explored the daily diet of women in adolescence that included eggs, claimed that the risk of breast cancer decreased by 18%.
4. Start Losing Weight
- Some American scientists concluded that if you combine a low-calorie diet and chicken eggs consumption for breakfast, you will lose the weight faster.
- This type of a breakfast will keep you satiated longer, thus, allowing you to decrease the amount of food you usually eat daily.
5. Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
- Some new research has shown that the cholesterol from the eggs is actually balanced with phosphatides, thus, it does not harm our health.
- Moreover, it inhibits the body's own cholesterol production.
- Plus, the eggs contain omega-3 acids which will reduce the triglyceride levels, thus, in that way reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
6. Vitamin B Complex Protects the Skin, Hair, and Liver
- The biotin, vitamin B12, and other digestible nourishing proteins contribute to the strengthening of the hair and skin.
- Also, there are phospholipids in the chicken eggs which will help with the elimination of toxins from the liver.
7. Vitamin D Helps Absorb Calcium
- If you present a choice to a person of drinking a spoonful of fish oil or just eating a boiled egg, most of them will prefer the egg.
- The content of vitamin D is the same in both cases actually.
- Also, scientists have found a way to increase the amount of vitamin D content in the eggs by feeding chickens special supplements.
- Vitamin D will, in turn, help the calcium to be absorbed and it will strengthen the bones and teeth as well.
8. Lutein Preserves the Sight
- Some new research has shown that chicken eggs are also enriched in lutein.
- This, in turn, is responsible for clear and sharp eyesight.
- If you are deficient of it, your eyes will start to deteriorate and some destructive changes in the eye tissue will accumulate.
9. The Brain is Under Choline's Protection
- Phospholipids, which help with the communication of the brain cells, are consisted of choline.
- It was actually clinically proven that this vitamin is the best when it comes to the building of the brain's material.
- If you consume 2 eggs a day, the body will have enough of this nutrient.
- However, if you are deficient in it, it might lead to memory loss.